Siler Elroy Ballard | Florida Man July 9

Siler Elroy Ballard Raged Out After He Lost Power To His Gaming Console, Threatened His Dad And Handyman With A Sword | July 9

Melbourne: Gamers have it tough sometimes, especially when a game is cut off prematurely. Florida man Siler Elroy Ballard was arrested after threatening his dad and a handyman with a sword after his gaming console lost power.

Family members told deputies that Ballard had gotten upset after the handyman turned off power to the barn. It disrupted the video game console’s operation. The father told deputies that Ballard grabbed a large sword and said, ‘I am going to kill you,’ raising fears that he was going to use the weapon.

Deputies went to the barn and surrounded the building after learning Ballard locked himself inside.

It took police some time, but they were able to eventually coax the man out of the barn and he was arrested without further incident. Deputies then went inside the barn and found the sword resting across a bed. Ballard denied threatening his dad and the handyman.

Siler Elroy Ballard was arrested and is facing 2 charges of aggravated assault.

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