
Florida man January 23 | William Bastin tries to break into woman's car; says Google told him it was ok. Click here for full story.
Florida man January 23 | Mark Okrent was cold so he decided to start a fire in his apartment, using a stack of paperwork. Click here for full story.
Florida man January 23 | Antoine McDonald, who once saved woman while dressed as bunny, pulls I'm the bunny card and gets arrested
Florida man January 22 | Jeffrey Allen Bowman Refuses To Take Part In Field Sobriety Test; Appears To Have Defecated In Pants.
Florida man January 22 | Ramon Christopher Blanchett Scams Nearly $1,000,000 With Bogus Tax Returns; Gets Prison Time. Click here to read the full story
Florida man January 22 | Abraham Miller Used A Gun To Steal A Mercedes, Turns Out It Was Just A Lighter. Click here to read the full story
Florida man January 21 | Mason Trever Toney Was Anti-Government While His Boss Pro-Trump; It Ended Fatally. Click here to read the full story
Florida man January 21 | Javier Ortiz Claims That He Is A Black Man (He's Not) And Gets Fired. Click here to read the full story
Florida man January 20 | Ryan Centofanti Gets Arrested For Being Drunk Behind the Wheel; Firing A Gun As He Drove. Click here to read the full story
Florida man January 20 | Stephanie Saladino Arrested After Being 4x Legal Limit, While Walking A Baby In A Stroller. Click here to read the full story