Javier Ortiz | Florida Man January 21

Javier Ortiz Claims That He Is A Black Man (He’s Not) And Gets Fired | January 21

Miami: Florida man Javier Ortiz was involved in high-profile shootings of unarmed black men. And no, Ortiz is angering the black police officers in his department with claims that he now identifies as black himself.

Ortiz was accused in November of claiming to be black when he applied for a promotion. The union that represents black police officers in the department criticized Ortiz for his racial insensitivity and disdain for efforts to improve diversity.

The man, who self-identified as a white Hispanic man when he first applied to be a police officer, had claimed to be black on forms in 2014 and 2017.

Ortiz said. “And if you know anything about the one-drop rule, which started in the 20th Century, which is what identifies and defines what a black male is, or a Negro, you would know that if you have one drop of black in you, you’re considered black.”

City officials are discussing Javier Ortiz’s more recent comments and the possibility of his firing. The black officers’ union also demanded that Ortiz be punished and that the police chief either resign or address the racism in his department

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