Giulia Ozyesilpinar | Florida Woman June 26

Florida Landlord Giulia Ozyesilpinar Went On Racist Tirade After Prospective Renter Took Too Long To Respond To Messages | June 26

Miami: What started out as an attempt to rent a property to stay with her friends turned into a racial incident for a London woman. Giulia Ozyesilpinar, the owner and operator of the Ocean Five Condo Hotel in Miami Beach, went on a racist tirade this week. The rant happened because the prospective tenant didn’t promptly respond to her WhatsApp messages.

After booking the condo, Ozyesilpinar sent her messages saying that she was having problems processing her credit cards. After Brown didn’t initially respond to those messages, she received a racist message telling her that she was hurting the reputations of other black people.

“You acting with lies gives very very bad picture for all of the black people please try to act like a lady and be a very good representation of black people and not a lying untrustable person giving bad name to black people,” she wrote.

The landlord was called out for racism and said she no longer wanted to stay at her property. Ozyesilpinar reacted by getting even more racist and called Brown a “n*gger” in messages. She also left a message on Brown’s voicemail that featured a man making monkey noises and repeating the N-word several times.

Ozyesilpinar defended herself in an interview by claiming she has many black friends and saying that it’s her right to be a racist if she feels customers deserve it. “We have freedom of speech. If I want to call somebody a monkey, I should be able to say that.”

You can listen to the audio clip of the voicemail here.

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