Shakeem Fleming | Florida Man June 25

Shakeem Fleming Made The Headlines Last Week For Stealing Items From Cars, He Was Arrested Again Today For Trying It Again | June 25

Manatee: Some people just never learn. A Florida man who was arrested last week for stealing items from cars was arrested again today. For stealing items from cars. You’d think he would get the hint and try to change careers.

Deputies say Fleming broke into two vehicles on June 21, stealing cellphones and other items totaling almost $1,000 in value. When he was arrested the first time on June 18, witnesses said he was carrying a a “pink female tote” bag. A Manatee County Sheriff’s deputy had no problem identifying him in an ensuing search of the area.

This time, witnesses said Shakeem Fleming was wearing yellow pajama pants. He also was captured by video surveillance, according to the police report. Doesn’t this guy know that pea cocking during a crime is a terrible idea?

Deputies say Fleming tried to sell the cellphones to a neighbor who was coming out of his residence to head to work. The neighbor recognized photos on the phone as those belonging to a neighbor. Police were called.

Fleming told police that the phones had been given to him by a homeless friend who owed him $10 and denied stealing them. Fleming’s arrest record continues to grow as two more felony counts of burglary have been added to existing felonies he faces from a June 18 arrest.

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