Rep Matt Gaetz | Florida Man January 17

Rep Matt Gaetz Gets In Twitter Fued, Is Accused Of Creating Point Game For Sleeping With Politicians | January 17

Florida: In a Twitter clapback for the Capitol Hill ages, Florida state Rep Chris Latvala accused Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz of designing a “game” with a point system for “sleeping with aides, interns, lobbyists, and married legislators.”

The last mention of the sex game came in 2013 from then-Miami Herald reporter Marc Caputo on, where else, Twitter, where he said a source informed him of a game played by “young male” state reps. The point system for the game, which was rumored to continue in 2014 and 2015, demeaningly awarded one point for a having sex with a lobbyist, two for a staffer, three for another legislator and six for a married legislator.

Gaetz has said he denies creating, having knowledge of, or participating in the game.

“Just because I own you on twitter, don’t confuse me for your daddy when it comes to abusing power for sex,” said Gaetz on Twitter, adding that he was still waiting on a defense of Sharpton.

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