Kenneth Atkins | Florida Man August 14

Florida Woman Wanted To Play Master And Slave, Kenneth Atkins Didn’t Want To Play So He Spat In Her Face | August 14

Bradenton: What started out as attempted sexual foreplay ended up in an arrest for Florida man Kenneth Atkins.

According to a police affidavit, a fight between the two began when the victim expressed she wanted Atkins to pretend to be her “slave master” while she would be his “slave” in a sexual role play.

Ashley Edwards told the police she wanted to play “slave and slaver because she is African American and he is Caucasian”. However, Atkins rejected the proposal saying he did not wish to take part in his girlfriend’s distasteful fantasy before becoming “verbally aggressive.”

The argument that followed allegedly saw Atkins spit in Edward’s face. Police were called to the victim’s home where Atkins reportedly denied the allegations and/or any physical confrontation.

Responding officers noted that Edwards didn’t appear to be injured and that she refused to provide a statement to the cops regarding the incident as she did not want her partner to be arrested.

Kenneth Atkins was arrested and booked into the county jail on a charge of misdemeanor battery.

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