Florida Man May 23 Mark Saunderson

A Florida Man Was Arrested After Crashing A Wedding, Interrupting First Dance

Crashing a wedding can be a way to have some fun and leaving before anyone notices that you’re there. Rule #69 of crashing a wedding is to make sure that you don’t interrupt the bride and groom’s first dance. It’s a faux paux.

A Florida man was arrested after he crashed a wedding and interrupted the first dance between the newly married couple.

According to police the man, Mark Saunderson, invited himself to a wedding reception at the Grand Plaza Hotel on St. Pete Beach Monday evening.

After walking into the reception, Saunderson cut into the bride and groom’s first dance. When confronted by staff and security the man fled the scene, running to the 11th floor of the hotel.

He continued running away from staff and security before finally being escorted to an elevator where police were waiting. Saunderson gave the deputy a phone number instead of his social security number.

He was arrested and is facing a charge of disorderly conduct.