Acasia Fuscaldo | Florida Woman August 14

Acasia Fuscaldo Violates Her Probation, Police Find Her Hiding In Hotel Box Spring | August 14

Cocoa: Florida woman Acasia Fuscaldo was wanted by police for violating her probation. When police received a tip that she was in a motel room, they sprung into action.

When deputies entered her hotel room, they saw no one was inside but K-9 officer Kyra alerted deputies of Fuscaldo’s presence under the mattress and inside the supporting box spring.

Fuscaldo apparently cut a hole in the box spring, slipped inside and covered her tracks by placing the mattress and sheets on top of her hiding hole.

Acasia Fuscaldo, 25, of Cocoa, was arrested on three felony charges of violating her probation, according to the sheriff’s office.

Fuscaldo has been arrested six times before on multiple charges of theft, burglary and grand theft, according to the sheriff’s office.

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