Florida Woman May 17 Michelle Hildebrandt

A Florida Woman Was Offered Free Rehab Treatment After She Insisted Going To Jail To Get Off Drugs

Drug addiction is a hard habit to break. A Florida woman who was addicted to heroin, shoplifted from Largo CVS in order to go to jail and get off drugs.

That stolen box of Lucky Charms was enough to turn the woman’s, Michelle Hildebrandt, luck around. She was arrested on May 5 for stealing a box of cereal and dumping it out on the ground.

According to reports she said that was her third attempt that day to get caught. She did whatever she could to get the store to call the cops.

Her actions caught the attention of the police but also of a Brian Zitt who works at the Rockland Recovery Center. Someone once gave him a second shot at life, and he’s dedicated his life now to doing the same for others.