Florida Man May 17 Ryan Nolan Holladay

A Florida Man Is Facing Charges After Shooting A Homeowner During A Dispute

A Florida man, Ryan Nolan Holladay, is facing charges after shooting a customer of his multiple times. Holladay is the owner of a landscaping company who went to mediate after a deal broke down.

Something didn’t go according to his plan, so Holladay pulled out a gun and shot the homeowner twice.

Police were called to the scene but couldn’t find the man. An investigation led them to finding his car parked at Salt Lake City Airport so a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Holladay was found and is facing charges of discharging a firearm and possession of a firearm by a restricted person.

Holladay was previously convicted of robbery, possession of a weapon by a restricted person and impersonating an officer in 2003. In that case he was sentenced to 15 years.