Florida Man May 17 Ryan Greenlee

A Florida Man Was Arrested After He Live Streamed Crime, Hit A Baby

A Florida man has been arrested as he live streamed a crime inside a Walgreens, including hitting a baby in the head with a box.

The man, Ryan Greenlee, was live streaming on Facebook. He went inside Walgreens and taunted the camera with his money to buy two packs of beef jerky.

After realizing he didn’t have enough money he became belligerent. He was asked to leave the store and began throwing items off the counter.

He threw a box that hit a baby in the head. Unfortunately you can’t see the altercation in the video but you can hear it clearly. After the baby was hit Greenlee then hit a male clerk who was trying to intervene.

He returned to his vehicle and climbed in while laughing.

Greenlee is facing charges including child abuse, battery on a law enforcement officer, resisting arrest and resisting arrest with violence.